Senuke X
Of course being perceived as an expert by your niche audience can mean the difference between making excellent money to basically making none at all. It is too much to cover in one article, but remember that you need to be consistent with your actions, and you also must earn the trust and respect of those in your niche. Rest assured there are lots of things you can do that will help you along this path - but you need to have it all in one sock. You need to become known as an expert - well all right, read along and learn what you can do to make it so.
The basic strategy to endear people to you and regard you as an expert is with your content, and using a vehicle such as teleclasses is but one approach. The good thing about teleclasses is that the classes aren't completely about giving a lecture, but are also interactive in nature due to the two-way course of action. If this interests you, then your first one could be short and sweet so you can get a taste of it.
So imagine how your attendees will feel with live instruction, excellent content and the ability to ask questions? The extent of your success with achieving your goals will depend entirely on your efforts. If you want to really make it good, you can prepare a PDF and provide that to everybody before the classes.
It is kind of scary to think that so much of the world and societies totally depend on the internet just to function. One relevant area to this discussion involves the publishing industry, and there are so many solutions to book publishing that are within the grasp of most people. It is been suggested for many years that the fastest path to becoming known as an expert is to write a book and publish it. Yes, it still takes time, but this one method alone can seriously give you some leverage.
Nowadays you'll find that most of the experts in any given niche have their own blog where they post from time to time. The strategy with the blog is to further build upon other efforts that essentially serve to develop your reputation. You can merely use the straight WordPress blog theme for this because it does not have to be fancy. As you work on your blog, we recommend you create an account and presence at places like LinkedIn, as well. They will look up to you for solutions and may also come to you with questions seeking answers; you can easily leverage this trust of your readers to recommend them various products and services.
Set your sights on becoming an expert in your chosen field, and then set out with a vengeance to attain it. This process takes time, as you can imagine, so feed your soul with daily action and get things rolling. Your responsibilities will increase once you achieve your goal, but so much else becomes less difficult.